Technical Meeting on EU-China Climate Policy Dialogue Follow-up and Cooperation Proposals Held Online

A technical meeting on EU-China climate policy dialogue follow-up and cooperation proposals was held by Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) and DG Climate Action (DG CLIMA), European Commission virtually on 16 September 2022. Ms. Polona Gregorin, Deputy Head of Unit Policy Coordination, DG CLIMA hosted the meeting jointly with Mr. Lu Shize, Deputy Director General (DDG), Department of Climate Change on behalf of the Chinese counterpart MEE.

Ms. Polona Gregorin and DDG Lu both acknowledged this technical meeting can be seen as a preparing meeting for the following high-level EU-China ETS Policy Dialogue.  Ms. Polona Gregorin underlined how important the effectiveness of China ETS means to emissions reduction of the world. In response DDG Lu reiterated the significance of the third High-level Environment and Climate Dialogue between China and the European Union and the role of ETS dialogue between ministers of EU and China.

Following the last technical meeting on 11 February 2022 and the first PSC meeting, the meeting discussed furtherly how to proceed the Policy Dialogue, follow up with the consolidated paper on agreed priorities, ideas on the regular meetings at technical level, innovative training approaches and implementations, as well as joint research activities on MRV and the other new requests MEE raised.