The First Session of the Virtual Training for Power Sector

To upgrade the capacity and performance of power enterprises included by China national ETS through targeted trainings covering latest policy development, advanced experiences from EU ETS or peers, practical case study and examples, a series of trainings was designed to serve exactly the demands of power companies to enrich their capacity of adapting to a more stringent ETS.

The first session of the virtual training for power sector was successfully delivered on 7 December 2022. 139 trainees from power companies across the country participated in the training. Representatives from the DG Climate Action (DG CLIMA), European Commission and the Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) jointly delivered welcome remarks and emphasized that the capacity building in the power sector was critical to the development of China’s national ETS. The expert from China Electricity Council introduced Overall Progress and Status of Power Sector on Participation into National ETS (发电行业参与全国碳市场总体情况与成效). In the meantime, the expert from Information Center of Ministry of Ecology and Environment gave a lecture on Functions and Application of Information Platform of China’s National ETS (全国碳市场信息化平台的功能与使用).

After completing its first compliance cycle by end of 2021, China’s ETS is ready to step into the second stage. Based on the feedback of power companies and industry associations, while the overall progress is seen in such a short period, some gaps still exist when some compliance companies intended to follow the regulations to do MRV, manage their carbon asset, surrender allowance, trade in market, etc. The performance of various companies revealed the discrepancy of their capacity of dealing with ETS. Besides, some crucial policy documents, such as ETS MRV guidelines, allowance allocation plans, compliance requirements, are in the process of update. Renewed CCER rule is supposed to be issued. All of these updates need to be interpreted and disseminated among power companies. Under these contexts, the continued demand-driven trainings will make difference to power companies ruled by China’s ETS.

For more training materials, please visit our Information-Training Materials.