The preparatory workshop of Train the Trainer held in Beijing

The preparatory workshop of Train the Trainer was held in Beijing on 5 July 2023.

Based on the successful experience of delivering trainings in previous project phases, and the consensus reached after several rounds of consultation with Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission (DG CLIMA), and Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE), the ‘Train the Trainer’ pilot and its follow-up programme are designed to cultivate future ETS trainers in China through the specially designed training activities, which contains well-designed courses and methods. The aim of this activity is to establish a growing pool of trainers to train an increasing number of practitioners from industry and regulatory bodies, thereby further enhancing ETS in China. This preparatory workshop aims to discuss key issues and the proposed approach for implementation, following up the agreement between DG CLIMA and MEE on this issue, and then to formulate the work plan.  

The workshop was opened with welcome remarks from Mr. Johannes Enzmann, on behalf of DG CLIMA, and Mr. Liu Wenbo from MEE. Mr. Johannes Enzmann gave a presentation to briefly introduce the design of the Train-the-Trainer approach and how to implement the pilot programme. The Chinese experts from National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) and the Tsinghua University joined the meeting to discuss the crucial issues, such as course design, selection criteria, examination and certification.