The second preparatory meeting of Joint Research 2: research on improvement of rules on carbon market oversight and management held in Beijing

The second preparatory meeting of Joint Research 2: research on improvement of rules on carbon market oversight and management under the Project was held on 6 July 2023, in the hybrid format combining in-person and virtual participants. The designated Chinese and European experts from National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC), Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange, Ecologic Institute and other research institutes joined the meeting.

Joint Research 2 will be conducted to review and build upon the current status and requirements of carbon emission trading rules of China’s national ETS, focusing on the potential risks and improvement of trading methods and trading supervision, with the pragmatic recommendations on trading management rules amendment through comprehensive analysis.

In order to successfully carry out this joint research activity, the second preparatory meeting was organised by the project team with the representatives from Directorate-General for Climate Action, European Commission (DG CLIMA), European Union Delegation to China, and the proposed organizations, based on the results of the first preparatory meeting and the discussions that followed.

During the meeting, all research fellows discussed further on the scope of work, research objectives, technical approaches, timeline, and other related issues, as the readiness ahead of long-term mobilisation of JR2 to ensure the deliverable will be submitted in line with the actual demands.